A Festschrift for Philip Teitelbaum
We celebrated Phil Teitelbaum’s 83rd birthday on 11/11/11 in Washington, DC as a satellite event of the Society for Neuroscience meeting. This Festschrift had 3 components:
A day-long meeting on Friday, Nov 11, 2011 with oral presentations by invited speakers (details here)
A reception with dinner in the evening (details here)
A special issue of Behavioural Brain Research (details here)
Quo Vadis?
In celebrating the contributions of Phil, the Festschrift had a scientific theme, addressing the following questions:
What is behavioral neuroscience about?
What role does it play in the context of neuroscience?
What are the influences and contributions of Phil in defining those questions?
Hence, the event was entitled:
Quo Vadis Behavioral Neuroscience: A Festschrift for Philip Teitelbaum.
Note: This presentation of the original Teitelbaum Festschrift website was migrated from the Classic Google site to the currently supported new Google site (optimized for display on phone, tablet, and computer) in November 2021. The conversion from the original to the present website necessitated changes in the style of the website. Moreover, some modifications were made to the contents of the website to accommodate the historical context of the event.